Month: July 2017

The 3D Printer

The 3D Printer

So, I been busy printing away, the wife can attest to that, pretty much keeping the machine busy as hell, prolly only 2 hours of downtime a day.  here is the machine by the way, a Creality CR-10:


Although I’ve been busy printing upgrades mostly, I have printed things like this:


Got a few more upgrades working on, but after that, I have to learn myself some Fusion 360.  I designed one thing, a place to hold my glucose testing stuff.  I was a bit off, and made some errors, but overall it works.  Poor laser sitting in the garage not getting much love lately tho.

New 3D printer

New 3D printer

Haven’t posted pics of the new printer yet, still tweaking it a bit, but it is working.  Here are some of the test prints I did first tho:

Very first print, supplied with the machine:

it’s a tiny vase!


Next up, benchy:


last is a test cube, I printed it fast, so it has some ringing in the x/y planes, but I knew it would happen, didn’t care :).